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Derweil stößt Nadja auf einen ungelösten Fall aus der Schulzeit der fünf Verdächtigen. Nora nimmt Erics Antrag an und fährt nach Russland, wo ihr ein - trotz sommerlicher Temperaturen - frostiger Empfang bereitet wird. Immer wieder dockt er am Alltag an und überrascht mit seiner furchtlosen Art, aktuelle politische Themen in seinen Gedankenspielen zu verarbeiten.
Nicht selten müssen sie dramatische und auch gefährliche Situationen bewältigen und Menschenleben retten. Schafft es der quirlige Startenor, auch mal zuzuhören, und gibt es gar ein Duett der besonderen Art? Doch das junge Glück wird getrübt, als der Waisenjunge Benni Zuflucht auf dem Branderhof sucht.
Bild - In the period of 1995—96 its circulation was 4,300,000 copies.
No structured data found on bilder. We recommend that you structure data where possible so it will be picked up, and interpreted correctly by search engines. For each of the individual criteria the maximum score is 100%. Not every factor is www bild dee the same and some are not as important as others. Relatively unimportant factors like meta keywords are not included in the overall score. Item Factor Pointers PageTitle 0% Far too many sites lack a page title. A page title is the first thing that shows in the search results so always use the title element. Title relevance 0% A title should reflect the contents of a site. This site has a 0 % match Title Length 0% Limit your title to anywhere between 40 and 70 characters. Your title was 1 characters long Meta Description 0% A meta description is the second element that shows in the search results so always use the meta description. Meta description length 0% The meta description should be between 145 and www bild dee characters. This meta description is 1 characters long. Meta description relevance 0% Meta Description should reflect the contents of a site. This site has a 0 % match Folder structure 30% We have not detected an easy to follow directory structure on this page. Make sure your directory structure is easy to follow. Headings 0% Headers should reflect the contents of a site. This site has a 0 % match Links 0% Link anchors should to some degree reflect the contents of a site. This site has a 0 % match No images detected 60% This site doesn't seem to use images in the html code. Images can enhance user experience so consider brightening up the page with images. More html means longer loading times. Layout should be handled in a serpate css file Page errors 100% Pages with no errors display significantly faster on most browsers. We detected 0 errors and warnings WordCount 0% An ideal page contains between 400 and 600 words. This page www bild dee 1 words Server response time 30% A slow server slows down a website. Pages may not display as fast as they could Keywords in Domainname 30% There are no important keywords in your domain name Keywords in domain path 20% There are no important keywords in the domain path Structured Data 100% Structured data makes it easier for search engines to index your website Inline css 100% Perfect, there is no inline css in the html code Excessive use of the same words 100% There is no indication that there are one or more keywords that are used excessively. Mobile users make up for a large portion of internet traffic. Most important heading 20% We did not detect a h1 heading element on your website. The h1 element is one of the most important elements for seo. Headings are used to create structure on a webpage Normalized headings 100% Perfect, we found a correct use of normalized headings. Images can also slow down a website. If the width and height for a picture is not specified for a browser know in advance how large the image is. A browser must first load the picture and see before it knows how much space should be on the page. Upon reservation In the meantime, the browser can do little but wait.
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Denn die Gerüche in der Käserei machen den Mädchen ganz schön zu schaffen. Denn der Winterdienst bricht schon gegen drei Uhr morgens mit schweren Räumfahrzeugen auf, um die Straßen der Großstadt von Schnee und Eis zu befreien. Deutlich günstiger lässt sich in diesem Reisemagazin das Fernweh kurieren. Manchmal allerdings können sie auch sehr eigenwillig sein. Als charismatischer Menschenfreund überzeugt Hansi Hinterseer in der Rolle des Hansi Sandgruber; an seiner Seite Anja Kruse, Günter Waidacher und Simone Heher. Graf Falko von Falkenstein glaubt nicht an eine Schuld seiner Ahnen und weist den Baron vom Schlossgelände. Klemens Pütz ist Pinguin-Experte und regelmäßig in der Antarktis unterwegs. Auch im Hause Klein bleibt es turbulent: Volker Beier zieht mit seiner Tochter ein.